Dignity For The Community Vulnerable


of India lives in slums, without proper access to sanitation and housing


of the unorganized labour force does not have any kind of social security


of the population lives below the poverty line

Brand identity

Suspendisse malesuada consectetur nibh, sit amet semper erat venenatis vitae. Nam a fringilla nulla, sit amet pretium suscipit ultricies finibus.

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Social media marketing

Nulla a velit quis ex ornare rhoncus. Donec imperdiet risus justo, vel malesuada erat fermentum at. Morbi at laoreet mauris. Mauris lorem felis, gravida et vehicula congue, tempus vel justo.

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Project management

Nam a fringilla nulla, sit amet pretium libero. Fusce sed iaculis nunc. Suspendisse suscipit ultricies finibus. Sed eleifend augue est, quis lobortis lectus ornare.

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Our Approach


Infrastructure: Access to Housing

Develop affordable housing for migrant workers and worker facilitation centres.


Access to Social Security

Educate individuals and communities on the entitlement of family health and education services.


Access to Alternative/Aligned Livelihoods

Encourage alternative livelihood through skill development, tools procurement, and access to markets.


Access to Linkages to Formal Economy

Use local ecosystems linkages to enter the formal economy, acquire on job training, placement opportunities and incomes.


Tech-enabled Transparency

Measure Individual progress to encourage accountability and upgrade training through data-led insights.


Long-term Network

Involve entire communities to develop referral networks that stimulate life-long growth and progress.


Ecosystem Change

Eliminate systemic poverty by addressing root causes of vulnerability and amplifying change through technical advocacy

Our Impact

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